Live-Stream of the Final
See the Swiss Team oin the Final via YouTube:
See the Swiss Team oin the Final via YouTube:
With very realistic chance to make it into the final the Swiss Team went into the last fight. There is no challenge in the last fight according to the new regulations. The team are allowed to choose their report, in order to allow them to be able to present their best report at the tournament.
The fight started with an opposition for Switzerland. Georgia’s report to problem number 5, Ultrahydrophobic Water, to which Joonas did his opposition, was rather weak. Repetitively Joonas had demonstrated his excellent understanding of the phenomenon and was able to convince the jury of this. With 6.7 points this was a rater weak opposition for Joonas, but still a solid performance.
After the opposition it was time for the Report. Émilie was ready to present her results to problem number 10, Light Rings. The problem concerns rings of light visible on a water jet, if the contact point of the water jet and the surface is illuminated by a laser beam. Due to the strong criticism from the Jury, Émilie only received 5.9 points. Even though this was one Switzerland’s weaker reports, it is still very strong in comparison to the other to the other teams.
In the review team captain Marc secured Switzerland’s place in the final; receiving 6.3 points for his review to problem number 12, Van der Pauw Method.
The weather did not cooperate with us on the day of the fourth fight in Ekaterinburg. In the rain and through streets characterized through huge puddles the team made its way to the Ural Federal University, the venue of the IYPT.
In a fight of four the report was Switzerland’s first task. Sweden challenged the team to problem number 5; Ultrahydrophobic Water. Once again it was Joonas’ time to shine. Standing in front of the jury confidently, they were immediately convinced of his theory about the small droplet; scoring 7.5 points.
After a well-deserved break as observer, it was Switzerland’s turn to review problem number 8, Magnetic Train. It was the captain’s, Marc’s, turn to review a very theoretical report and discussion by Croatia and Slovakia. Marc secured the team 7 points, putting them into a good position to win the fight.
In Switzerland’s last challenge Marc challenged Slovakia to problem number 10, Light Rings. Émilie was ready for her first opposition. With the opponent she discussed the relevance of the water jet dynamics, which he largely ignored in his report. With another 6.38 points in the discussion, Switzerland’s future at the IYPT is bright.
After this strong fight, Switzerland keeps its third place and is more than 10 points ahead of the fourth place. A place in the final is not secure yet, but it is very realistic. In the fifth fight problem number 10, Light Rings, will be presented.
It was a challenging day for the Swiss Team, two fights in a row are very difficult for the team. In the first fight of the day Switzerland faced Germany and China.
The fight stated with a challenge from China to problem 7, Hot Water Fountain. However, Marc had to reject this challenge. This is the third rejection for Switzerland unfortunately, which means that the next reject would lead to a reduced factor in the report. The next challenge was to problem 6, Electric Honeycomb. Kathrin was ready for her second presentation. Her cold did not prevent Kathrin from convincing the Jury of her knowledge about the hexagonal patterns caused by an electric field. The report received impressive 7.7 points.
From there the team continued strong. Both the review to problem 7, Hot Water Fountain, and the opposition to problem 5, Ultrahydrophobic Water, were in Joonas’s hands. In both roles he was able to convince the jury of his physical knowledge. In the review he received 6.3 points and 6.6 points were given to him in the opposition. Through these achievements the team won the fight in front of Germany. More impressive though is that they were first in the overall ranking.
After lunch it was time for the next fight. With Pakistan and Canada in the fight, there were two teams in this fight that are first time participants. Canada accepted Marcs challenge to problem 8, Magnetic Train, and Marc had has first appearance the stage. Through his excellent knowledge about the train consisting out of two magnets and a battery he was able to get 7.1 points.
Afterwards Switzerland was challenged to problem 3, Acoustic Lens and accepted the challenge. Marc presented, but unfortunately the jury wasn’t completely convinced and he only received 5.6 points. Unfortunately, this was one of the weaker fights for Switzerland. Nothing is lost though.
After a night with little sleep and full of excitement the four Swiss physicists started into the first official day of the tournament. To complete the team, Zara was on her way to Russia in the morning. She had participated in the Swiss rowing competition prior to boarding the alter flight. To commence the tournament, the opening ceremony had a lot to offer. Besides traditional dances, there were various subject related talks.
Zara was reunited with her team after the opening ceremony and a short lunch. Together the team spent the remaining time before the first fight in the nature, adding last touches to their presentations.
Tomorrow this year’s Swiss IYPT Team will board the plane to Ekaterinburg, Russia. The five students have intensively prepared for the coming week at the 29th IYPT over the past months. In Russia they hope to convince an expert Jury of their solutions to the posed physics problems and of their physical knowledge.
Currently last preparations are running at the Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Gymnasium Rämibühl in Zurich. The last experiments are carried out by students, adjustments to the theory are completed and the presentations are getting their last touch.
During the IYPT you will be kept up to date about the daily events and the accomplishments of the Swiss Team here on our website and on our Facebook page. In case you want to experience the 29th IYPT at firsthand, drop by our blog or Facebook between the 27th of June and the 3rd of July. The Swiss Team thanks you for your support!